What drew me to this flower is the big purple center. Which got me to thinking what is it that I put at the center of my life? What brings me balance? What brings me JOY? I read somewhere that JOY is not just a spin-off of obedience to GOD. JOY IS obedience to GOD. When I am doing the right things that please HIM. The rest seems easy.
Which gets me thinking what does God put in the center of my life? 2 Corinthians 1:22 says "and He has identified us as His own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees every thing He has promised us. Our hearts are in the center of our body and I find it amazing that that is where GOD decided to have that be the place where HIS SPIRIT dwells with in us. Right at the center. He wants to be front and center in our lives. I have to read instructions before I begin a project... it just goes easier for me that way. I have to open my bible everyday to see what instructions I need for the day. As I read HIS word He peace floods over me like a river. I know that may sound like a cliche but the longer I walk with HIM at the center of my life, the more I experience peace and JOY.
06-18-2012 |